今天花了一点时间,学习了一下英文中的倒装句(Inversion),下面是 一些学习的记录。

倒装句的规则是:把一个句子的助动词(Auxiliary)主语(Subject)位置互换。 句子结构如下:

    auxiliary + subject + main verb


    Scarcely have they been on time.   # 他们很少准时




1. Never, Rarely, Seldom

倒装句中的Never, RarelySeldom用来表现给定情况的独特性(unique)。 它们与动词的完成时(perfect)一起使用,有时句子中会包含一个比较对象。如:

    1. Never have I been more insulted.

    2. Rarely has someone as tall as you.  # 包含比较对象

2. Hardly, Barely, No sooner, Scarcely

倒装句中的Hardly, Barely, No sooner, Scarcely用于描述一组连续的动作, 表达第一件事刚刚完成,第二件事就发生了

    1. Scarcely had I got out of bed when the doorbell rang.

    2. Barely had I walked in the door when my dog came rushing to greet me.

3. 带Only的短语,如Only after, Only then


    1. Only then did I understand the problem. 

    2. Only after understanding the situation does the teacher make a comment.

    3. Only when all the stars have gone out will I grasp the complexity of the universe. 

值得注意的是,这类的倒装句,带Only的短语有时是直接和从句连接, 这时主句却需要倒装,如上述的例句2和例句3。

4. Little


    1. Little did he understand the situation.

    2. Little did she play basketball.

5. So & Such

So的语法为:So + adjective + be + ... + that + ...,如:

    1. So difficult is the test that students need three months to prepare.

Such的语法为:Such + be + noun + that + ...,如:

    1. Such was the day that we will all remember forever.

6. 条件句(If ...)

条件句的倒装形式会让人听起来显得更加正式一些。规则是去掉If,把 助动词提前。如:

    原句:If I had had enough money, I would have brought a new house.

    1. Had I had enough money, I would have bought a new house.

    原句:If he should decide to come, please telephone.

    2. Should he decide to come, please telephone.


[1] 参考文章Inverted Sentences for Advanced Learners of English