Storage Acronyms
NFS: Network File System
CDNs: Content Delivery Networks
NAS: Network Attached Storage
Blockmap: a data structure used for collision detection.
AWS: Amazon Web Service
AWS S3: Simple Storage Service
AWS IAM: Identity Access Management
AWS ARN: Amazon Resource Name
AWS EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud
AWS VPCs: Virtual Private Cloud
GFS: Global File System
Apache Hadoop: a collection of open-source software utilities that facilitates using a network of many computers to solve problems involving massive amounts of data and computation. 是一个用集群解决大规模数据的 开源框架。
PHP: a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. 一种网络开发的脚本语言。
Saas: Software as a Service
ISVs: Independent Software Vendors
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
JWT: JSON Web Token
gRPC: Google Remote Procedure Call
RESTful: REpresentational State Transfer, is a web standards based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol.
ACLs: Access Control Lists
NFTs: non-fungible tokens
TLS: Transport Layer Security
TTL: time to live
JVM: Java Virtual Machine
MQTT: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is a lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices.
FUSE: Filesystem in USEr space
ext2: second extended file system
ext3: third extended file system
ext4: fourth extended file system
RPM: RedHat Package Manager
DEB: Debian Package
YUM: Yellowdog Updater Modified
DNF: Dandified yum
ELF: Executable and Linkable Format
SCLs: Software Collections, is created to provide RHEL/CentOS users with a means to easily and safely install and use multiple (and potentially more recent) versions of applications and run-time environments without messing up the existing system.
MIME type: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, which indicates the nature and format of a document.
CQL: Cassandra Query Language
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
CTF: Capture The Flag, a style of hacking event where you have one goal: hack in and find the flag
KVM: Kernel-based Virtual Machine